This is my very secret recipe for super delicious chocolate meringues. Please don't share (lol). I have since young age always loved meringue. When it was my turn to bring something for Friday snack in school I always made super big jumbo meringues (still do).
This is a recipe that makes the meringue hard and crunchy on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside, just like in the coffee shops. Chocolate meringue makes a great side to vanilla ice cream but they are also just as good to hover in like that (I prefer the hovering).
Chocolate Meringue
Ingredients (make approx. 4 big)
180 g sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 tsp salt
50 g dark chocolate
1. Heat up water in a pot and put a bowl (heatproof of course) over.
2. Add the eggwhites, sugar and the salt and start mixing over the simmering water. Mix for approx. 5 minutes untilt the sugar crystals completely dissolve.
3. Take it off the heat and keep mixing until it gets cold.
4. Melt the chocolate and fold it in to the eggmix. Fold only a few times, we don't want it to mix completely, only get strips of chocolate.
5. Put in the oven at 125C degrees and bake for approx. 1 hour.
1 comment:
Hur går det? Meringuen ser väldigt fin ut. Okej, hoppas att det här funkar.
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